Caleb Grover
Founder of Agape Counseling Center
I started working on my life when I was 17 years old. It was the year my dad divorced my mom and married another woman on the same day. My world was wrecked. Due to my horrendous pain, I walked away from Jesus and into an anxious life. A life filled with analyzing every word I said, panic attacks, self-loathing, addiction, relationship issues, and heartache. I had no choice but to work on my life. I was a mess on the inside and felt utterly alone.
I got involved in a group in college where we simply began to tell the story of our lives. For the first time in my life, I talked about my addiction, the abuse of my parents, and their divorce. I wrote about my story in college papers and began to work through it with teachers, mentors and eventually therapists in my 20’s and early 30’s. Slowly, I began to experience the love that I so craved. I learned how to be vulnerable and connect with others. I walked away from the pain that was hindering me, and I started living in freedom rather than anxiety.
Once I experienced God’s inside out redemption, everything changed. I realized that I wanted to help others who were suffering to be able to experience the same internal transformation. This led me to graduate school where I received a Masters of Divinity (which trained me to be a pastor) as well as a Masters of Arts in Counseling. After Graduate school I faced a difficult decision: Do I help people as a pastor or a Christian Mental Health Counselor? Eventually, I decided to become a Mental Health Counselor because I felt like I could directly be a part of transforming the lives of others.
I have been married to my wonderful wife Becky since 2002 and I have three teenage kids. In 2005, I graduated with my Masters Degree and since then have served countless clients who have struggled with anxiety, depression, marriage, affairs, complex trauma as well as a host of other things. In 2006, I started my practice, Agape Counseling Center. I have not only treated many clients, but I have had the privilege of mentoring and supervising other counselors in the Orlando area. In 2016, my wife Becky and I started a nonprofit organization where we have given away tens of thousands of dollars to help those who cannot afford counseling. Recently in 2021, I received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. This award recognizes my work and service to the Orlando community. I continued to feel God’s urging to bring my story, freedom and gifting to others as I meet with clients on a daily basis. When I’m not in the office helping others with their mental health, I enjoy lifting weights, sports, and trading stocks.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

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If you would like more information about our services, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to answer all your questions.
4070 Aloma Ave, Suite 1030
Winter Park, Fl 32792